"The Louisiana Folklife Program, within the Division of the Arts, is designed to identify, document, conserve, and present the folk cultural resources of Louisiana. Folklife includes living traditions learned informally over time within ethnic, regional, occupational, and family groups.
The Louisiana Folklife Commission, a 22-member body is appointed by the Governor to address the special needs of Louisiana's traditional communities and advise the Folklife Program.
The Folklife Program manages the Division of the Arts Folklife grants and initiates projects or collaborates with other organizations to serve the folklife community in Louisiana. The Program provides technical assistance for Planning and Funding Folklife Projects.
Maida Owens is the director of the Louisiana Folklife Program. Information about her and the many other people who assisted in planning and implementing this program can be found in the Credits. "
1999. “Introduction to the Louisiana Folklife Program.” Louisiana Folklife Program. . http://www.louisianafolklife.org/introduction.html.