Very Special Places Collection
1996 - 2017 (Inclusive dates)
This collection includes photos, audio, video, and other materials documenting community sites that TAUNY has recognized as "Very Special Places." This collections continues to grow as additional sites are designated. When TAUNY Founder Varick Chittenden began this program in 1996, TAUNY created an online register of these sites, which continued to be added over the following years. In 2014, this program was integrated into TAUNY's broader North Country Heritage Awards program, which has been recognizing practitioners and supporters of North Country living traditions since 1993. The "Very Special Places" North Country Heritage Award is given in recognition of sites in North Country communities that are special to the life of those communities, have served multiple generations over time, are community gathering places, meet a community’s social, spiritual, economic or entertainment needs, and are a factor in community or regional identity.The other three North Country Heritage Award categories of recognition are "Inherited Traditions," "Adopted Traditions," and the "Evergreen," which recognizes individuals and organizations that support the study and preservation of living traditions.
33 (Place Collections)
English (Languages)
Geographic Coverage
Northern New York (-)