Interview with David S. Brown

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NA 784 (local)
1973 - 1975 (Date created)
 Interviews with David S. Brown by Kenneth Whitney in October, 1973, and by Susan Tibbetts in November, 1975. Topics covered include Brown’s work on the boom in the summers of 1902-04 when he was 12 to 14 years old; the jobs of rafters, sorters, and runners; use of wedges to build rafts; meals; bosses; his marriage and work at Mt. Kineo; breaking up jams; daily pay; construction of boom and crib-work piers; buildings at Pea Cove; guiding; moose hunting; WWI enlistment and service. Photo, P425 / T668-T670
Creator and/or Contributor
David S Brown (creator), Kenneth Whitney (contributor), Susan Tibetts (actor)
Other Subject Headings
Brown’s work on the boom in the summers of 1902-04 construction of boom and crib-work piers Buildings at Pea Cove Moose hunting (Local)
Related Entities:
David S Brown (creator)
Susan Tibetts (actor)