Oral History: Mother's Uses of Bars as a young woman in Scotland.
2011_009 (local)
Alternate Title
Oral History: Mother's Uses of Bars as a young woman in Scotland. (Alternative Title)
1970 - 2010 (Predominant dates)
Fieldworker- interview with Scottish mother regarding the cultural and social differences in public bars and more, between the United States and Europe (primarily Scotland and Italy).
Keywords: 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s, 2010s, Personal narrative, oral history, foodways, cultural and sociological differences between Europe and the US in regards to drinking, Scottish, drinkers, pub goers, alcohol, drinking, pubs
Locations: Cupar, Scotland; Freuchie, Scotland; St. Andrews, Scotland; London, England; Naples, Italy; San Diego, California; Mountain View, California; Hampton Roads, Virginia; Winchester, Virginia; Manassas, Virginia; Knoxville, Virginia
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