Hoffman talks about being a Maine native and member of the Penobscot Tribe; becoming staff geologist for the Penobscot Nation at Indian Island; formation of the corporation of the Maine Indian Basketmakers Alliance (MIBA) in 1993; an invitation from the folk arts area at the Common Ground Fair to do demonstrations of basketmaking and Native Arts; the Native American Festival at College of the Atlantic; she talks briefly about baskets and traditional arts; MIBA association with the Hudson Museum at the University of Maine; the tools used to make the baskets; some history of basketmaking and signature style of baskets; Hoffman talks about her perspective of MOFGA and its mission; the economic development of basketmaking; the education of the general public about the Penobscot, Passamaquoddy, Micmac and Maliseet tribes; the association with Folk Arts; the Wabanaki Arts Center Gallery in Old Town, Maine; development of an online website; her favorite memory of the fair being the young drummers.