Dewitt speaks about his involvement with MOFGA; moving from West Pennsylvania to Dresden, Maine; his career in the Navy; his uncle’s pig farm in Pennsylvania; working at the Bath shipyard; raising rare breed and meat chickens naturally; naturally versus unnaturally raised livestock; free-ranging versus caging practices; his involvement with the Common Ground Fair; working as an associate livestock director for Kathy Reynolds; his interest in antique tractors; operating the antique tractor shuttle at the Common Ground Fair; antique tractors he owns, including John Deeres, McCormicks, and Olivers; using biodiesel versus regular diesel; differences in machine operation when using biodiesel; new technologies; old lead lubricant fuel; NOS; repair parts; recovering old tractors; restoration of antique tractors; the Old Windsor Fair; mule and donkey teams versus horse teams; mule farmers Bob Crichton of Berwick and Neils Sabatine of Whitefield; the value of the MOFGA fair; future changes Dewitt would like to see to the fair; his participation in the Farmington summer festival featuring antique tractors and machines; the dangers involved with antique machinery operation; and old versus new technologies.