Strong speaks about moving from Connecticut to Maine; attending Bates College; MOFGA and the Common Ground Fair; working for future husband Matthew Strong at his egg roll stand; food vendors Steve Aucoin and Tom St. John; food guidelines; her experiences as craft area coordinator; past coordinator Wendy Dumont; craft area concerns, including security, parking, electricity, and stock; craft jurors and their appointment process; craft judging; new criteria she would like implemented; vendors Susan Sherman and Tom Opper; changes over time; her experiences as a member of and chairman of the steering committee; the Maine Business Area offshoot of the craft area at the Common Ground Fair; problems in the crafts area with vendors; anti-institutionalism; personal craft projects; sign painting with Sara Brandon and Joan Sheldon; sign painting workshops; making banners for the different areas; the feasibility of acquiring new buildings either through construction or donation of preexisting ones; worker Nancy Rache; permanent sites for film, folk arts, and the blacksmith shop; volunteerism.